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Student Research Competition 2016 Winners Awarded at HSE

From left to right: Tatyana Zakharova (Adviser at Vice Rectors' and Directors' Support Department), Vadim Radaev (HSE First Vice Rector), Evgeny Yasin (HSE Academic Supervisor), Igor Chirikov (HSE Vice Rector)

This year students from other Russian and international universities competed against HSE students. The new HSE project ‘Scientific Battles’ was also announced at the award ceremony.  

This was the 14th time that HSE hosted the student research competition. To date over 1,200 works have been submitted to the competition, and every year this number increases. In line with the regulations, each work was read by two of the 800 experts involved.

The main feature of the 2016 contest was the parallel open competition for external participants in five areas (business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science). Next year, all 20 areas in the main competition will be open to external participants. Russian and international students from the Universities of Bern (Switzerland), Texas (USA) and Sri Lanka took part in the 2016 open competition.

Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor, congratulated the winners and noted that HSE will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its founding in 2017. ‘We believe that over the past 25 years HSE has made some progress,’ said Evgeny Yasin. ‘To get a sense of what this really means, take a look at the people in the room, because you, your works, and those of your predecessors, are our achievements. Russia is in some senses a very young country, and still needs to undergo serious institutional reform. That is something you can be part of. And the new face of Russia is represented by educated and skilled professionals.’

Vadim Radaev, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and HSE First Vice Rector, thanked the experts and organizers and said that it was a truly notable day for the university. ‘Giving awards to winners is one of the most gratifying parts of this process,’ he said.

HSE Vice Rector and graduate Igor Chirikov said that, as a student, he also took part in the competition, and this was the first year he has been involved as academic supervisor. ‘It is important for us that there is an active student community interested in science at HSE,’ said Igor Chirikov. ‘Now our colleagues at other universities have joined this community.’ He announced that ‘Science Battles’, a spinoff of the student research competition, is launching at HSE. The Polytechnic Museum, where the battles were conceived, has become partner of the project.

Participants in these ‘Science Battles’ will have 10 minutes to present their research to an audience, using improvised tools rather than prepared presentations, and then take audience questions. Special coaches will train participants, and the audience and jury will determine the winner. This year there will be five qualifying battles and then the finals, which will be held shortly before HSE’s anniversary. The main prize is an academic travel grant to Europe. More details about the project and the application can be found on the project’s website (in Russian), applications are accepted until February 18. The first battles will take place on March 18.

In the near future the creation of a student research club, to bring together all students who are interested in science, will be discussed at HSE. You can send your ideas and suggestions about this to ichirikov@hse.ru.


See also:

HSE Accepting Works by Students from All Universities for Research Competition

The Higher School of Economics has begun accepting works for its annual Student Research Paper Competition. Applications are due October 15 and can be submitted on the competition’s website.

Fewer People in Corporations, but More Promising Careers in Research

On February 12, the winners of the Student Research Paper Competition were announced. Not only did they receive prizes, but also had the opportunity to put some thought-provoking questions to the university administration. We’ve selected five questions which we consider highly relevant to researchers at HSE and internationally, and the responses are below.

Results for 2017 Student Research Paper Competition Announced

The research paper competition was held in 21 subjects, including Arts and Design, an area that was just introduced this year. For the first time ever, international students are among the competition’s winners.

HSE Student Places Third at National Student Research Paper Competition

Maria Krivosheina, a second-year student in HSE’s Comparative Studies: Russian Literature in Cross-cultural Perspective master’s programme, placed third in Russia’s national student research paper competition in the category of Humanities and Social Sciences. Maria’s research focused on problems with how Sherlock Holmes was perceived in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. 

HSE Announces Student Research Competition

Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.