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Organization and Development of Russian Business. A Firm-Level Analysis

A major work by HSE professors Tatiana Dolgopyatova and Andrei Yakovlev and Hitotsubashi University professor Ichiro Iwasaki has recently been published by Palgrave Macmillan.

The authors of this volume scrutinize the Russian business sector with attention to firm organization, business integration, corporate governance, and company management. Using a unique dataset of Russian joint-stock companies obtained from a large-scale enterprise survey conducted throughout the country, the authors empirically examine key issues for understanding the Russian corporate sector: ownership and the internal control system; the impact of business integration upon corporate governance and performance of affiliate business groups; and the role of external agents including commercial banks, business associations, and the state in corporate governance and management in non-financial enterprises.

About the authors:

TATIANA G. DOLGOPYATOVA is a chief researcher at the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies and professor of the Faculty of Economics at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. She received her PhD in economics (1978) and her Doctor Habilitation in economic sciences (1997) at Lomonosov Moscow State University. She participated in academic and technical assistance projects supported by IBRD, EBRD, OECD, USAID, and TACIS. Her research interests are focused on empirical studies of enterprise behavior, including firm restructuring, ownership and corporate governance, and SME development. She has published more than 170 articles and books in Russia and abroad.
ICHIRO IWASAKI is professor at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan. He received his doctoral degree in economics at Hitotsubashi University in 2001. His research interests are focused upon transition economies, comparative economic systems, and financial and organizational economics. He is the author and editor of numerous books and journal articles, including: An Institutional Analysis of Transition Economies in Central Asia, published by the University of Tokyo Press; and Corporate Restructuring and Governance in Transition Economies (co-edited with Bruno Dallago), published by Palgrave Macmillan.
ANDREI A. YAKOVLEV is director of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. He received his PhD in Economics and Statistics at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1992. His research interests are comparative studies in corporate governance, industrial policy, and state-business relations in Russia. He worked as a consultant for the Russian government in the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade and on many policy advisory projects. He is the author of many books and articles, including some published in Europe-Asia Studies, Post-Communist Economies, and other international journals.

Table of contents:

Emergence of Russian Corporations: from the Soviet Enterprise to a Market Firm
Stock Ownership and Corporate Control
Legal Form of Incorporation
Structure of Corporate Boards
Impacts of Corporate Governance and Firm Performance on Managerial Turnover
Managerial Teams and Firm Restructuring
Organizational Patterns of Corporate Control and Business Integration
Corporate Governance and Decision-Making in Business Groups
Impact of Business Integration on Corporate Restructuring and Performance
The Banking Sector and Corporate Finance
Business Associations: Incentives and Benefits from the Viewpoint Of Corporate Governance
State-Business Relationship and Improvement of Corporate Governance
Appendix: Outline of the Joint Enterprise Survey