Anastasia Grigoryeva
- Postgraduate Student: Faculty of Humanities / School of Linguistics
- Anastasia Grigoryeva has been at HSE University since 2021.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Spanish
- German
- Italian
- French
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Contacts
- Phone:
22902 - Address: 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 1, room 524
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Postgraduate Studies
Approved topic of thesis: Regional variety of English in Alaska
Academic Supervisor: Mira Bergelson
Courses (2024/2025)
- Analyzing Stories, or What You Would Always Like to Know about Narrative Discourse (Minor; Faculty of Humanities)Rus
- Intercultural Communication: Theory and Practice (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Journalism; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Russian Communication Style (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Fundamental and Applied Linguistics; 1 year, 2 module)Eng
- Russian Communication Style (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Language Practices in Ethnocultural Diversity (Mago-Lego; 2, 3 module)Rus
- Language Practices in Ethnocultural Diversity (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Linguistics; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Russian Communication Style (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Eng
- Russian Communication Style (Master’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Fundamental and Applied Linguistics; 1 year, 2 module)Eng
- 2024
II научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «TERRA HOMINIS – 2024» (Москва). Presentation: Аляскинский английский: этнические, культурные и поколенческие особенности
- 2023
Multilingual Urban Space: Policy, Education, Identity (Москва). Presentation: Regional variety of English in Alaska
Multilingual Urban Space: Policy, Education, Identity (Москва). Presentation: The Role of Anglicisms in the Speech of Russian YouTube Influencers: First Results
XV Конгресс антропологов и этнологов России (КАЭР 2023) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Аляскинский английский: этнические, культурные и поколенческие особенности (Alaskan English: regional, generational, ethnic and cultural peculiarities)
- 2021
третья международная конференция Multilingual Urban Space (associated with the XXII April International Conference on Economic and Social Development at Higher School of Economics) (Москва). Presentation: Minority languages in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: legislation and reality
- 2020
Die 68 Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS) (Берлин). Presentation: Strategies and Tactics Employed in Representing Protest Movements in Contemporary English-Language Print Media
V научная межвузовская конференция молодых ученых «Пространство научных интересов: иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация – современные векторы развития и перспективы» (Москва). Presentation: Стратегии и тактики репрезентации протестных движений в современной англоязычной прессе
Linguists from Around the World Discuss Current Academic Issues at First Eurasian Congress
HSE University partnered with the First Eurasian Congress of Linguists dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The congress served as a platform for discussing relevant issues in linguistics related to all language groups of Eurasia and other regions worldwide. Approximately 200 researchers from 46 foreign countries and 300 Russian linguists from 50 regions of Russia participated in the event.