Galina Gennadyevna Kovaleva
- Chief Expert: Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge / Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Information Society and Digital Economics
- Galina Gennadyevna Kovaleva has been at HSE University since 2003.
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
12047 - Fax:
625-03-67 - Address: 11 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, room 523
- SPIN-RSCI: 5270-3143
- ResearcherID: B-9157-2014
- Scopus AuthorID: 55903451300
- Google Scholar
- Supervisor
- G. Abdrakhmanova
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Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics
Internal Expenditures on Digital Economy Development
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents results of the pilot calculation of internal expenditures on digital economy development, based on data collected in the course of federal statistical observations and by the Bank of Russia. According to the HSE ISSEK estimates, in 2017 internal expenditures on digital economy development amounted to approximately 3.3 trillion roubles, or 3.6% of GDP.
HSE Staff Members Receive University Awards
On January 18, several university staff members were awarded HSE medals and notes of acknowledgement from the Rector.
Education in Figures: 2018
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterising trends in the development of general, secondary vocational and higher education in the Russian Federation. It also covers key education indicators for the OECD countries.
Trends in the Development of the Internet in Russia
The analytical report prepared by the NRU HSE ISSEK on the request of the Coordination Center for TLD RU presents the main results of a comprehensive study of the Internet development trends, transformational changes that take place in the economy, social area, and everyday life influenced by network technologies, assessment of the level of online technologies in Russia in comparison with foreign countries; regional comparisons are provided as well.
Education in Figures: Pocket Data Book
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing trends in the developmentof general, as well as lower and secondary vocational and higher education in the Russian Federation. It also covers key education indicators for OECD countries.
Foresight and STI Governance no 1, 2017
The new issue of Foresight and STI Governance presents various aspects of the corporate sector’s innovation-based development: approaches to conducting Foresight studies, market evaluation of research-intensive companies, intellectual capital’s impact on firms’ performance. International experts assess the prospects for transboundary academic cooperation in the context of global geopolitical processes, and propose an “intelligent leadership” model for state universities.
The Statistical Monitoring of the Development of the Russian Segment of the Internet Concept
In order to measure the extent of Internet spread in the Russian Federation, experts of HSE ISSEK Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Information Society developed a concept for statistical monitoring on request of the ANO “The Coordination Center for TLD RU”. The paper presents conceptual, methodological, and organisational frameworks for the study.
Information Society Indicators in the Russian Federation: 2016
This data book continues the series of annual publications by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE ISSEK). It presents statistical data on ICT infrastructure, activities of ICT sector enterprises, IT industry enterprises and content and media sector enterprises. It also presents indicators of ICT usage by enterprises, households, and individuals. Special sections contain international comparison.