Zinaida A. Ryzhikova
- Academic Supervisor: Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge / Centre of Labour and Earnings Statistics
- Zinaida A. Ryzhikova has been at HSE University since 2008.
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90 - Fax:
12589 - Address: 13 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Building 4, room 307
- SPIN-RSCI: 2115-3130
- ORCID: 0000-0002-3255-0141
- ResearcherID: J-4216-2014
- Google Scholar
- Supervisor
- L. Gokhberg
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Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
The Professions of Digital Economy
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the data concerning the employment in professions which are connected with the intensive use of ICT. The estimates are based on the OECD methodology.
Workers for Digital Economy
The impact of digitalisation of the economy on the national labour market commanded increased attention in recent years. Development of information and communication technologies (ICT) leads to the emergence of new professions and promotes employment in the ICT sector. Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) have calculated, on the basis of the Rosstat survey, how many people work in ICT-related professions.
Information Society Indicators in the Russian Federation: 2016
This data book continues the series of annual publications by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE ISSEK). It presents statistical data on ICT infrastructure, activities of ICT sector enterprises, IT industry enterprises and content and media sector enterprises. It also presents indicators of ICT usage by enterprises, households, and individuals. Special sections contain international comparison.
How to provide “New Moscow” with highly qualified work places
With the joining of new territories to Moscow (“New Moscow”), adjustments are needed to the general plan for development of the capital until 2025. On 5 November, HSE hosted the second workshop in the cycle of “New Moscow in the context of agglomeration: priorities and prospects of development”, which involved the participation of experts from the State Unitary Enterprise – Research and Project Institute for the General Plan of the City of Moscow.