International Students Share their Impressions on Studying at HSE
There are many different reasons why international students choose to study at HSE — the university’s reputation, an interest in Russian culture and desire to learn Russian, an ambition to study with the acknowledged masters of economics, plans to work on the markets with Russian business, reasonably priced tuition.
A Meeting with the Norwegian Business Community
On the 28th January a delegation from the Norwegian business community visited HSE Nizhny Novgorod. The meeting was organised by the Nizhny Novgorod regional resource centre to discuss internships for students on the Presidential programme for training managers.
International Students Want to Continue Their Studies at HSE
In the second semester of the study exchange at HSE more than thirty new international students are arriving from our partner universities in Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, South Korea and the USA. Another 30 foreign students who came for the autumn semester will be staying on. Half of them had planned initially just to spend one term at HSE but they liked it so much they decided to stay until the end of the academic year.
Universities in Russia and other BRICS countries will cooperate more actively with each other
On December 3, HSE marked ‘Russian Universities’ Day’ – an event held during the BRICS University summit organized by Times Higher Education and the 5/100 Project for Raising the Competitiveness of Russia’s Leading Universities among the top global higher education institutions.
General Search for Knowledge of Self and Society
On November 19-20, 2014, HSE hosted the conference ‘Global Governance: Nominal, Real and Alternative Structures’. The conference focused largely on the paradigm shift in geopolitical and geoeconomic structures of the modern world, as well as the underlying causes and long-term implications of such changes. Professor Alan Cafruny of Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, presented a paper at the Conference focused on the crisis of Europe’s economic and monetary union. We talked with Professor Cafruny as he shared his opinion on the union, Germany’s role in NATO, and much more.
Joint MA Programmes: A View from Italy
A press conference on further development of the double degree programme took place at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. University Rector Alessandro Rugieri said that, in Italy people understand how important cooperation with Russia is – in particular cooperation with HSE in Nizhny Novgorod – which is home to over a million residents and plays a key role in the country’s economic life.
Russia and Brazil: Studying Global Media Together
A group from Brazil’s Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais visited the HSE to participate in a seminar that was part of the ‘Russia-Brazil Major Sport Events: Social Commotion in Global Media’ joint project.
‘Going Viking’ for Experience: HSE Staff Training at the University of Oslo
If universities were people, then the 203-year-old University of Oslo (UiO) would be the great grandfather of the Higher School of Economics, which was founded in 1992. It is remarkable, however, that despite of the age gap, the student populations of the two universities are comparable in size. The UiO – almost the same size as the HSE but having 10 times more experience – is therefore definitely one of the best partners to learn best practices from.
HSE and Lappeenranta University of Technology to launch exchange programme in 2015
Agreements have been signed on a student exchange programme between the HSE and Finland’s Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The documents also call for the creation of dual-degree master’s programmes between the two universities.

‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ Prove Interest in Middle Ages
From October 7-9, the second annual ‘Dynamic Middle Ages’ school of young medievalists took place in Moscow. After its conclusion, participants talked about what they find interesting in the Middle Ages and the parallels they see between those times and today.